Sunday 27 March 2016

LGBT - World Status


Firstly, let me introduce what is LGBT? LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. This may not so common in Malaysia but it's very common in foreign countries. Nowadays, some of the countries are recognize "same sex marriage", mostly located in Americas and Western European. Besides, USA and Brazil have the highest transgender population in the World and followed by Philippines, Thailand and India.

The options you will never see in Malaysia

How many countries had take into consideration of same sex spouse and transgender population? Actually not many, most of the country ignore them. However, some of the countries especially western, they are care of LGBT status and reserved the rights of LGBT. For example they give option to select "she-male" in a gender column or they have option to disclose the relationship under same sex spouse and etc. These "rare" options, why I said "rare" is because we never see this in Malaysia. However, this is "common" in Western countries, "common" is because they are open-minded and they think LGBT s normal and not a special group.

Love is gender blind

Have the majority of peoples in this world accepted LGBT term? Most of the people think heterosexual is normal, LGBT group are abnormal, especially in conservative countries. My argument is, if you think that LGBT are abnormal, then how about a heterosexual relationship that 80 years old man married a 21 years old young lady? So why contempt LGBT? No one can contempt a LOVE couple, regardless of gender.

When it's come to the word - "LOVE", there is no right and wrong. Nobody have the rights to judge whether this is acceptable or opposition. LOVE is just more than a game for TWO, as long as you think this is the way you want, don't be afraid to fight.

List of references:
  • LGBT Rights Around The World . 2016. LGBT Rights Around The World . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2016].
  • Explore: International | Human Rights Campaign. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2016].

Tuesday 22 March 2016

What is it to be Truly Malaysian?

We are Malaysian

If your nationality is Malaysian, your parents are Malaysian and you stay in Malaysia, does it mean you are "Truly Malaysian"? Have you ever think about who have the eligible to say "I am a TRULY MALAYSIAN"? From my point of view, there are a few ways to authenticate we are a Truly Malaysian, which are our Language, Food and Culture.


We know "mix" language

Malaysians are quite talented on learning language, this is also because of we have three main ethnicity - Malay, Chinese and Indian in Malaysia. We learnt each others language, we have main language to communicate with each others, we also have "mix" language which only Malaysian know the meaning. I give a example here: Pakcik, mee goreng "mai tauge" (mai tauge = don't want beansprout). This is "rojak" (mix) language that only Malaysian know it.


Tasty local foods

Malaysia has a lots of tasty foods, there are some signature local foods that we should know as a Truly Malaysian, for example: Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai, Char Koay Teow, Laksa and etc. We are willing to drive few hours for tasty food like travel to Ipoh during weekends just for good food, the famous chicken rice, soya bean and yong-tau-foo. Even when we are travelling overseas, we will start to miss the foods after a few days. Someone said: when it comes to food, all argument are forgotten. So, can you imagine the power of FOOD! 


A symbol of UNITY

Different ethnicity will have their own culture. As a Truly Malaysian, we respect each others' culture, we dress up the traditional attire of the ethnicity and we celebrating the festivals together. We emphasize on ONE MALAYSIA, regardless of you and me... we are not individual because we are unity and we are "WE".

I believe everyone of us have our own definition on "what is it to be Truly Malaysian"? Whatever it is, as long as we can do something good to the society, regardless big or small contribution is, we are Truly Malaysian.

I am a Truly Malaysian. Are you?

List of references:

  • What it means to be ‘Truly Malaysian’ | Free Malaysia Today. 2016. What it means to be ‘Truly Malaysian’ | Free Malaysia Today. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2016].
  • 10 ways you know you’re Malaysian | Negaraku | Astro . 2016. 10 ways you know you’re Malaysian | Negaraku | Astro . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2016].

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Who Am I?

I am Minion...
"Oh, I have a blog!". This is my first blog writing, lets talk something about me. I am a funny, friendly and happy-go-lucky person. I do not have wonderful life but I am consider a lucky one in this world. Yes, I am lucky because I stay with my parents, have income, have car, have friends. You may say this is not special, everyone should have this. However, they are millions people in this world do not have what we have now. Therefore, I said I am the lucky one and you too.

Just like it this way...
I love Minion, just recently. I never watch their movie, but I like Minion with no reason, just like it. I like to watch Minion's song and advertisement thru YouTube. They are very funny, helps me to release stress.

My hobbies are sleeping, eating, and travel. If I stay at home doing nothing, definitely I will sleep whole day. I like to bring my mum go to eat delicious and special foods, we both enjoy food. Even go to travel, we also non-stop eating and shopping.

This is me.